How To Make Creamed Raw Honey – No Dyce Technique

Updated on November 1st, 2021

Honey is a supersaturated solution consisting primarily of glucose, fructose and water. Over time, unless the honey is processed, glucose molecules attach to minute particles (such as pollen grains) and separate from the honey. This process of crystallization continues until the entire batch of honey turns from a viscous liquid to a grainy block

Controlling crystallization by several process creates creamed honey. Creamed honey has much smaller crystals and a smoother texture than naturally granulated honey. This texture makes creamed honey spreadable and more appealing on the palate.

Creamed honey is also called whipped or spun honey, among other names.

For detailed information about creamed honey, see our article What Is Creamed Honey? (Everything You Need To Know).

There are two primary methods of making creamed honey: the Dyce Method which pasteurizes honey and alternatively, a method that uses unpasteurized, raw honey.

This recipe is for making creamed honey using raw, unpasteurized honey or, as we call it, No Dyce.

See our recipe How To Make Creamed Honey – The Dyce Method which not only controls crystallization for smooth, spreadable honey but also pasteurizes to stop fermentation.

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How To Make Creamed Raw Honey – No Dyce Technique

  • Author: Melanie


Creamed raw honey has a spreadable consistency from controlling the crystallization process. However, unlike creamed honey that is pasteurized using the Dyce Method, this honey remains raw and is still subject to fermentation.

To retard fermentation during extended storage, keep creamed raw honey tightly sealed to limit exposure to moisture and stored in a cool area, preferably at or below 50°F (10°C).



This recipe works with different amounts that maintain the ratio of roughly 1:10 creamed honey to raw honey by weight. You can experiment with ratios ranging from 1:5 and 1:20.


  1. Thoroughly mix the creamed honey into the liquid honey. Do not add air by whipping it.
  2. Let the honey settle to let any air escape.
  3. Put the mixture into wide-mouth containers and seal tightly.
  4. Place the filled container in a cool location at 55°F (12.8°C) for 7 – 14 days to crystallized completely.

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